Hello (again). Last year I was curating all my favorite finds in a weekly letter called The Thoughtful Curated, and you gleefully signed up for my updates. I’ve been on a journey and through my searching, I’m sorry to say that I decided to shutter the Curated last summer.
You’re getting an email from me today, because I revived my Substack so I can share my long love of writing and photography in one space with you.
It’s called PhotoStory.
I hope you stay and check it out, but if you don’t that’s ok too, and perhaps our paths will cross again another time. More to come soon.
Native and current resident of Southern California, who grew up in Orono Maine. I miss the simple beauty of Maine and the seacoast towns and harbors. I love Megan’s photos and stories that bring me back to a wonderful time in my life.
I just learned about your Substack from Katherine’s email today. I really enjoyed reading your stories and seeing the photos paired with them. I just started dabbling in flash fiction/short stories and it’s so fun!