Native and current resident of Southern California, who grew up in Orono Maine. I miss the simple beauty of Maine and the seacoast towns and harbors. I love Megan’s photos and stories that bring me back to a wonderful time in my life.

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I just learned about your Substack from Katherine’s email today. I really enjoyed reading your stories and seeing the photos paired with them. I just started dabbling in flash fiction/short stories and it’s so fun!

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Thank you so much for the hello and glad you're here. :)

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I love that photo of the sheets hanging on the clothes line, my favorite scent of all time, wish someone could put it in a bottle! Looking forward to reading all of your PhotoStories!

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I am a lover of family, anything Texas and of Megan's wonderful photos and stories. Can't wait....

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This so exciting!

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Can't wait!

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